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Kona Historical Society

Kohala Coast Resort Association Food Drives

The Kohala Coast Resort Association was awarded $900,000 in federal coronavirus relief funds from the County of Hawaii to distribute much-needed food packages to nearly 5,000 furloughed employees in the hospitality industry who are represented by the association.

The food distribution is every two weeks. There’s another one scheduled for this Monday, November […]

Source for Genuine N95 Masks:

Kathy Kimball has been wearing a N95 mask around Hualalai that is distributed by her brother. “I get stopped constantly by people asking where I got my mask,” she says. “My brother just started a website where people can buy N95s in smaller quantities than the pallets they were initially selling.” “These N95 masks […]

Hualalai Ohana Foundation: What a Year!

2020 has been a challenge for everyone. For the hundreds of Hualalai employees that were furloughed in March, the challenges have been life altering. From the beginning of the pandemic the Hualalai Ohana Foundation went to work to help families here survive and thrive.


Hualalai Follows Hawai’i County Regulations

Many of you returning to Hualalai have commented that it’s not the same here as it was pre-COVID. Ain’t that the truth!!!!!!

One of the differences is that new rules have been established because of the pandemic. Although I don’t always want to follow them, I realize the Club is trying to protect us, and […]

Hoku Concert Series Event


There are 4 seats remaining for this private concert on December 5 at 5:30pm at a private residence in Keauhou Estates.

(If a host or co-host wishes to have a day added at their home on Friday Dec 4, contact Frank Meyer 206 853-5393.)


Tuesday Temperature Check In


With the number of COVID cases rising, the Hualalai Club is especially dedicated to keeping us all safe. Taking members’ temperatures once a week is a tool in the arsenal for prevention of a community spread. In the photo below, members had a meet and greet while checking in.



Aloha to Returning Members

Welcome back to the serenity and beauty that is Hualalai. These essentials remain but the Hualalai Resort is a different place than it was pre-Covid. For instance, the wearing of masks and social distancing are practices followed here for our continued safety and health. You will also find hand sanitizers easily available.


Ocean Walk Way Still Not Repaired

The ocean walkway between the Palm Grove and the Beach Tree Beach was damaged this summer. Members were told that it would be repaired in September. I took this photo on October 4. September has come and gone.

Ke’olu during Covid Times

The sunset brilliantly sets on members enjoying a socially distanced evening.


County Food Drive Helps our Ohana 🌺

As the CoVid-19 pandemic continues, many people are getting short on food. Some are going hungry.

On September 14, about 340 of the furloughed Four Seasons Hualalai’s employees were able to drive through and pick up boxes of food at the porte-cochere valet area of the hotel. Sebastian Hinsch’s office coordinated.

The next food drive […]

Harvest Thursday!!


Thank you to the Ke’olu Gardens crew. To learn more, go to Talk Tuesdays, last week!

Beautiful Hualalai, a test blog

Hawaii Island Update

Hi, friends and neighbors,

Your dedicated editor is going to take a short hiatus, but before I do, I wanted to answer a question a lot of people are asking: how is Hualalai doing during CoVid-19? I’d say we’re doing well, but all of a sudden, our island has taken a hit. You can read […]

Ke’olu Social Distancing Set Up!

Sunday night: safely distanced tables and a delicious Chinese feast.



Monday morning: a golfer’s pot of gold.


A Nene Says, “No, no!”

A protective Nene shooed Tracy Abrams away.

Adopt A Pet!!


The foster-to-adopt program has shown to be very successful so far,” said Lauren Nickerson, community programs director for the HIHS.Nickerson said that about 90% of animals in the foster-to-adopt program get adopted at the end of the trial run.Since the program began in March, 527 pets have been adopted, with 83 currently residing […]

Summer 2020 at Hualalai!

We’re in high summer now, but Hualalai looks very different than it has in summers past.Thankfully, nature remains constant even while the pandemic has made for changes. (Just got the news that the 14 day quarantine has been extended through August.)


Four Seasons Hualalai has been hard at work renovating the […]

Aloha ! 🌸 Returning Members

Just want to reach out to the members who are coming back to Hualalai.

monk seal on Hualalai Beach, photo by Martha Mouer

A lot of us, who have been here since the Pandemic began, started an email thread, Hunkering at Hualalai, to keep us connected and in touch. If […]

Pueo’s Osteria Delivery Night

Many of us who’ve been at Hualalai since March developed a group, Hunkering At Hualalai, that is on an email thread. The purpose was to keep us connected during uncertain times. Things have improved since then. Also, some members have left and some have come. So, with members’ indulgence, I’m going to use the Member’s […]

Drive-In Movie Fun, 6 Feet Apart

Concession Stand


Grass roots group


Classic Carts Drive in