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Kona Historical Society

Adopt A Pet!!


The foster-to-adopt program has shown to be very successful so far,” said Lauren Nickerson, community programs director for the HIHS.Nickerson said that about 90% of animals in the foster-to-adopt program get adopted at the end of the trial run.Since the program began in March, 527 pets have been adopted, with 83 currently residing in foster-to-adopt homes.

“Many of our foster parents don’t even wait a whole week before deciding to adopt,” Nickerson said.

Individuals and families interested in adoption or fostering can browse through pictures of dogs, cats and other animals on the humane society’s website and apply for the program.

“We are dedicated to getting animals into homes, but with a lack of volunteers working here, it can take up to 72 hours to get back to some people,” Nickerson said.

Although there is a demand for adopting animals everyday, the humane society is encouraging people to consider getting an adult dog or cat.


All three shelters will continue to accept new, unopened bags of dry cat, dog, kitten and puppy food during business hours.

Anyone interested in adoption can find more information on the foster-to-adopt program at



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