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Kona Historical Society

Mitsubishi Time: ๐ŸŒ๏ธ๐ŸŒ๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐ŸŒ๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

The other morning on my walk, I saw that they’d put up the Mitsubishi sign. There’s gotta be a drone around here, I thought. Lo and behold, there it was! And also there, close by, were the two men who make the drone happen. (They wanted to look busy when I took the shot, […]

A PGA Tour Favorite: VIP Lunch Returns!!

The PGA Champions Tour is back for the 2022 Mitsubishi Electric Championship at Hualalai. It was so fun to be treated to the delicious VIP lunch once again. Kudos to Shelley, Alessandro and staff for creating a festive atmosphere that adhered to Covid19 safety rules.





It’s that Mitsubishi Time of Year!

Getting Ready for the Mitsubishi

Preparing for the tournament takes many days.

Mitsubishi Electric Championship: January 13-19

For more detailed information on the Mitsubishi Electric tournament or any other upcoming club activities, go to the Membersโ€™ only website.

2018 Winner Jerry Kelly

The Mitsubishi Is Coming: Pro Am starts on January 15