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Kona Historical Society

Celebrate Global Wellness Day!!

Humane Society Food Drive


The Humane Society is having a food drive. Food can be dropped off at the Real Estate Office.






Rainy weather brings technicolor skies.

Congratulations to Author John Saul!

Hawaii News and Views:

13-year-old girl seriously injured in golf cart crash

This recently happened on Oahu, but Hualalai has had its share of serious golf cart crashes. Following the golf cart rules benefits all of us.


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The sunsets have been spectacular lately.




Wave Chi: A New Way to Get in Shape!

Wave action in the ocean.



Wave Chi


Achy shoulder? Not hitting the ball as well as you used to? Wave Chi may be your answer. These light weight Indian Clubs are helping Hualalai members and staff. Dr. Andrew Branchflower, director of corporate wellness for employees, found the clubs helpful in treating an old shoulder injury. Jack Gillen has been instructing staff on how to use them.  Jack will teach you too!

For more information:


Hualalai is Brimming With Energy!

NERD TALK: May 26, Friday at 10:30 AM

On May 26,  the Kumu Kai Marine Center is welcoming Mr. Jackson Letchworth, a biologist with the National Park Service. His current work includes leading numerous projects restoring the rich cultural and natural landscapes of Kaloko-Honokhau National Historical Park. This work at the Park encompasses cultural landscape rehabilitation, coastal dryland forest restoration, wetlands and loko ia (Hawaiian Fishponds) restoration, Integrated Pest Management, and the management of numerous unique Threatened and Endangered species.

Jackson will share information about the rare ecosystems found within Kaloko-Honokhau, as well as information about the Park’s largest ongoing restoration project, the Fishpond Wetlands Restoration Project.

Come talk story, ask questions, learn, and have fun.

The talk will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the Kumu Kai Marine Center on the 26th.

Sign ups are required.


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FYI: Kamehameha Day Celebration on June 11


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Hualalai Ohana Foundation: Always Supporting Our Children

Hualalai Foundation Jubilee Celebration❣️ July 5

Join the Four Seasons Team on May 13!

HAWAII ISLAND CHARITY WALK: May 13, 2023 at Waikoloa Beach Resort, Queen’s Marketplace

This is the link. Once Members go to the page, we can fill out the following form. We can join the Four Seasons Team or create our own team to donate.

May Day is Lei Day Celebration.



It was a beautiful way to celebrate the first of May. Chatting with friends, old and new, in the warm morning sun while viewing the beautiful lei made by Hualalai folks. Auntie Kaulu performed hula while Micah played ukulele. Uncle Earl came too! Thank you Hualalai Cultural Center and Ka’ai McAfee-Torco.



Spring Time at Hualalai!🌺🌸🌺 May Day Lei Day!

 Lei lovers come celebrate May Day at Hualalai Cultural Center.






Sunrise and Sunset by Bill McDowell


Information and Aloha!


Welcome back to the updated Hualalai Members Blog!! The way it is now set up, I will do two blog posts a week.




Wiliwili Tree Knocked Down in Windstorm!



Our signature Wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis) Tree at the

Hualālai entry monument fell in very strong winds on the evening of March 10th. This tree was originally transplanted to Hualālai about 23 years ago from the dryland forest surrounding the Waikoloa area. It had been declining over many years despite surviving a long battle with the Wiliwili Gall Wasp and most recently, a colony of bees that had made a home in its hollow trunk. Unfortunately, once we were able to closely inspect the tree, we confirmed that it was clearly not salvageable.


This past Tuesday, the tree was removed with the plan for a replacement tree that will take its place as soon as we are able to select a new Wiliwili tree. When choosing our new tree, great care and environmental consideration will be considered. We are happy to report that in this process, this tree will not be harvested from the wild. Ka’aiohelo, from our Hualālai Cultural Center has also helped us get in contact with a reputable cultural practitioner who will be able to repurpose any of the remaining viable wood from the original tree. The light wood of the Wiliwili Tree was used by traditional craftsmen to make surfboards, net floats and ama (outriggers) for canoes!


– Erin Lee

Director of Landscaping, Property Operations & Maintenance

Becky Holman: Scenic Paintings on a Box!

Check out artist Becky Holman’s new boxes in the Hualalai Pro Shop! Below are two of them.


Technical Difficulties Corrected, I hope!

Since early March, the blog was not being sent out to subscribers even though I was publishing it. Thanks to Mike Sack for helping me research the problems. I believe he found the solution Thursday morning. So hopefully, you will find this in your mailbox bright and early this morning! Full disclosure, your editor was also traveling with family so could not get access to my computer or Mike! We would have cleared it up earlier I believe if I wasn’t so jetlagged after hitting the Metro with my kids and grandkids!


sunset photo by Bill McDowell

hoping this works!


After technical difficulties and your editor’s journey, there have been no posts. But here we go! Hopefully!


Intense Sun Set Mirrors Kilauea’s Glow🔥

Even though Kilauea is on pause, no one can forget its paths of fire.


photo by Bill McDowell

The Magic of Hualalai❣️

Three-Ring Ranch Visit

Hualalai Club members visited Three-Ring Ranch recently.


photo montage by Diane Kantor

Tropical Paws!