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Kona Historical Society

Putt for Paws

Renée Brinkerhoff’s Summer Plans.

Renee started on June 2 from the Great Wall of China to begin a 36 day, 9,000 mile trek, in a 1956 356A Porsche through 12 countries in Asia and Europe. Her website explains the details of what they are doing and why.
“You can follow us on social media. We’d love to know our Hualalai friends are cheering us on,” Renee said. “Our goal is to finish the race in Paris, win our class, and possibly the entire race. Along the way, we are donating money to fight child trafficking. Donations can be made online.”

Hualalai Ohana Connect in Oregon

Shelbie and her daughter, Aleiya, visited member Connie McHugh and her family in Portland, Oregon at the end of a college tour of the West Coast!

photo and text courtesy of Al McHugh.

Members In the Marquesas Islands

Julie Wrigley and Bill McDowell visited Polynesia this spring.


Bill, of course, took outstanding photos.

Wacky Fun on the Ke’olu Course

Rainbow’s End

On the golden path at Hualalai, looking over the rainbow’s neon colors.


photo courtesy of Al McHugh



The Holmans in Colorado

Piper Holman, seven, caught this trout all by herself!


These photos are from the Rocky Mountain National Park.

Waipi’o Valley: Just a Hike Away

Photos courtesy of Chantal Prunier.

Chantal Prunier reports: “Yesterday I went deep in Waipi’o Valley to seven falls cascading into each other. What a delight! No wonder the Hawaiians were able to keep their future king Kamehameha happy in hiding here.”



This is an invitation to all members: I’d love to post some of your summer activities (wherever you are) on our blog. Please send me photos and texts! Mahalo mucho!

Superb Sunset, Hualalai Style

photo courtesy of Chantal Prunier

Third Tuesday Talk Story

In Member News

Cindy Muscatel was featured in the May issue of Lake Sherwood Life magazine in California.

Robert Cazimero Concert

Members Kate Bell, Tom Blackburn and Chantal Prunier experienced the magic of Cazimero and hula recently at the Kahilu Theatre in Waimea.

photo courtesy of Chantal Prunier

May Day Pageant: May 20th

Put it on your calendar: Monday, May 20, 5:00 PM at the Hoku Amphitheater. Wear a lei! Cocktail reception to follow.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Just a reminder that Hualalai is a magical place where pots of gold abound.

Members At The Kentucky Derby

Members Pat and Wally O’Dell and Pam and Paul Krug enjoyed the festivities at the Kentucky Derby this year.

Man Falls into Kilauea Caldera

An Army soldier climbed over a safety barrier at a viewing area of the Kilauea Caldera and fell 70 feet into the volcano’s crater.

Three things to say about this: 1) Why did this man climb over the safety barrier? What did he think it was for? Did he absolutely need to get a better view? And of what? Which brings me to 2). The photo in this article is from 2018. The volcano blew itself out last year. It is not active. There are no eruptions now. There is no lava. News sites would rather dredge up an old photo, which can be misleading but more exciting. Anything for a better story. 3.) We wish the soldier, who had been in critical condition but now is stable, a good recovery. We also wish him wisdom in the future.

Talk Story Times

Having the leisure to do whatever you want whenever you want is why people call Hualalai their happy place. It’s like when, at the end of a great day, you can wander down to the Canoe Club with no plan other than to watch the sunset’s full roll out.

Running into friends and talking story until the sky is brilliant with stars makes it even better.

Beach Tree Pool: Paradise!

One of the most delicious places in the whole world is the Beach Tree pool. Some people call it the Hollywood Pool. Some call it the Beautiful Pool. Whatever you call it, it’s hard to beat.

Chef Junior’s Cooking Classes: a treat for the senses

Chantal Prunier shares photos and thoughts about her second cooking class with Chef Junior.

 “Chef Junior is an impressive and organized professional Chef who clearly enjoys teaching. He is so well prepared that the work stations are ready with ingredients prepped for every participant in the class. This makes it so much more fun to cook.”