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Kona Historical Society

What’s Up at Hualalai?

Many people have asked me what Hualalai Four Seasons is like right now. Here’s my short answer: it’s pretty much shut down. The hotel is completely fenced off. The Spa and gyms closed early on. Then the retail stores.

No restaurants are open, of course. Ke’olu is providing an excellent take out menu that keeps evolving to include more items. You order and then pick up, mindful of social distancing, or your order can be delivered. You can now buy breakfast and lunch at The Trading Company, which remains open with limited staff and short hours.

Only 10 people at a time can be in the store at one time.

Ke’olu also provides a grocery shopping service for limited items. And many of us have learned how to use InstaCart and Shipt.

Canoe Club is closed down.


The golf courses seem to alternate on being open or closed. (Sorry, I don’t keep up with the schedule.) People use the course to walk. A few days ago a family was riding bikes and teaching one of the kids how to ride a bike on the 15th.

People are still allowed to exercise, keeping the six feet-a-part social distancing rule.  We’re very fortunate that we can be outside for part of the day. And that the beauty surrounding us never falters.


Personally, I’m turning gray and hoarding my Tates gluten-free cookies. Hope all of you are doing well!

Aloha nui loa, Cindy



We’re in this together…We’re an ohana.


photo by Bill McDowell


What is always the same, but always different?

The sun always sets every night, but every night it is different. On April 3 it was technicolor skies!


photos by Alex Gersznowicz


photo by Bill McDowell

Artists Renderings: From Photo to Painting

Nature surrounds us and inspires the artists among us to beautiful works.


photo by Bill McDowell/painting by Becky Holman

Francolin’s Meeting Was a Fight!

Without audio, it looked like a nice gathering.  Thank you, Becky Holman, for shedding light on the truth.

IMG_8209    Click here to see the whole video.

Magic of Hualalai

Thanks to everyone who is sending in photos!

Bill McDowell captures sunrise and sunset and a visitor (passed quarantine).

Nenes at play from Marti DeBenedetti

Francolins at a meeting from the Holmans

Lily pad Serenity from Judy Runstad


koi serenity from Debby Webster


Staying in Touch With Aloha

Hualalai members who are remaining at Hualalai during the COVID 19 Crisis have formed an email thread so we can stay in touch, share information, give coping hints and share stories about our sheltering in place here. If you would like to be on the thread, email me back and I will add you. 

Interesting Information

Thank you, Julie Wrigley for sharing this:

Living with Sheltering at Hualalai

Here are a couple of services that can help us during this period:

Shipt is a grocery delivery service


Take Out Service: Food A Go-Go

Hualalai Ohana Crisis Response Fund: Give Now


Aloha Hualalai Homeowner ‘Ohana,

As the human and economic impact of the Covid 19 pandemic continues, we would like to ask for your help for our community. The Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation is initializing the Hualalai ‘Ohana Crisis Response Fund. This fund will be used to ease the many hardships employees are experiencing.

We have heard from many of you expressing concern for the well-being of the employees and an interest in learning more about how the Foundation is participating in the response.

Please give today:

Our goal is to help keep balance in the lives of our resort ‘ohana in their time of need. All administrative costs are covered by our foundation, which means 100% of your donation goes directly to benefit our recipients.

The fund will be administered by the Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation staff and its board of directors. We will report back to share with you the impact of your gift and that of our supporters. Our efforts will be carefully executed and will be complementary to all Federal, State, and local efforts. Our belief is this could be a much longer recovery for the hospitality industry and we approach this effort with a long-term view. Much is unknown at this time so we will remain flexible in how to best use our resources going forward.

Since our founding in 2002, the Foundation has been there for employees.  At times, this has required the flexibility to respond quickly and nimbly to the needs of employees while staying true to our mission and purpose.  You may recall the 2011 Tsunami at Kona Village where we mobilized to support the immediate needs and concerns of employees, providing a vehicle for the most basic necessities of life such as groceries, utilities, prescriptions and gasoline so that they could get back to what’s really important – their ‘ohana.

With your help, we will continue to demonstrate our commitment to our community. You have been there before when most needed and we want to thank you in advance for your generosity and concern for the well being of the Hualalai ‘ohana.

Please give online today. We want to hear from you and appreciate your feedback on things. Please direct inquiries to the Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation at or call (808) 325-8177.


With Much Mahalo,

Ed Mueller,President

Nico Leilani Verissimo, Executive Director

Tax ID# 81-05707


Video: Wash Your Hands!!!!!!!

Barbara Kildow sent this snappy video that explains why we should wash our hands with soap.

Feeling the Aloha

Sent from the Holley Ohana
 “The Holley Ohana created a chalk art masterpiece on the street outside our home. We’d like to encourage other homeowners to brighten up their street and the resort with your own creative art projects. Please submit your photos for all to see and let’s make Hualalai a cheery place to be!”

Nature’s Calming Presence 2020



photo by Bill McDowell



photo by Eve Bernstein


sunbathing on the beach

photo by Cindy Muscatel


Don’t Forget The Pets In Need

The Hawaii Humane Society is asking people to foster animals during this COVID 19 crisis. There is an urgent need to foster 40 medium and large dogs. They also anticipate a need for fostering cats, kittens and puppies. To learn more about fostering go to

How to Help our Hualalai Employees During the Closures


Life as we knew it has changed drastically in only a few days here at Hualalai Four Seasons. With the closing of so many venues, our beloved staff members are now unemployed. Things are dire, but many members have been putting their heads together to determine how we can help.

For people who want to donate right now: The Food Basket has a COVID-19 Pandemic Response Fund. When I donated, I indicated I was from Hualalai Four Seasons. Go to

The link below is an article from “West Hawaii Today” that explains the program in more depth.

Feeding the hungry: Food Basket seeks monetary donations, paper bags, volunteers


COVID 19 Brings Changes


From West Hawaii Today:

“Hawaii Island’s 11 state legislators in a Friday letter to Mayor Harry Kim urged him to order an immediate countywide shutdown for the next 15 days.

The letter, signed by all four Big Island senators and all seven representatives, strongly requests that Kim order an immediate closure of all county facilities and schools, send home all non-essential county personnel, prohibit all nonessential travel from the Big Island, and the quarantine of all arriving travelers at the Hilo and Kona international airports for at least 15 days.”

The Corona Virus is so contagious that we all need to practice social distancing. We have four twenty-something-year-olds staying with us who have come from all over the mainland. I have told them to keep themselves away from the general community of Hualalai for 14 days.



Hula Hooping at Ke’olu

The granddaughters of Becky and Bob Holman took the stage at Ke’olu. Piper and Griffin demonstrated their hula hoop moves.


Tropical Paws Canceled

Monday Night Reception Canceled

A note from Debbie Casey

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Dear Hualalai Club Member,

As we continue to monitor the ongoing conditions, the health and safety of our members, guests and employees continue to be our top priority as we monitor the global, national and state response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation.   We continue our heightened precautions in food handling, sanitization, disinfection and cleaning measures.

Currently, we have discontinued serving buffets in all of the Resort and Club venues.  Ala carte options will be provided for the time being.  This will impact ULU breakfast, Luaus, Aloha Fridays and Farmers’ Market.  We will be revising offerings and planning for additional options available to our Members.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are also reviewing many of our operating guidelines.   We will provide additional updates in the coming days as we determine next steps and possible need to limit certain activities and gatherings.

As a first step, we have determined it is best to limit larger gatherings.  Therefore, the Monday Night Member Receptions will be canceled until further notice.  While we all look forward to these evenings where we come together as one ohana, we have made this decision with the health and safety of all our Members, guests and staff in mind.

Our entire team is grateful for your patience and understanding as we all work together to ensure that Hualalai remains the safest haven possible in these uncertain times.  Please watch for additional detailed updates tomorrow.




After the Rainfall

photo by Bill McDowell