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Kona Historical Society

Let’s Keep Our Hualalai Beautiful.

Clean up after your pets.


Thank you, Bill McDowell

Click Now To See Mahalo Notes

Sorry, dear readers,

If you clicked on yesterday’s post, nothing happened. No notes. Your editor admits to being technologically impaired. Hope this one works. 😁🤓


The Ohana Foundation Invites You to Read Wonderful Notes of Mahalo.



It melts my heart knowing how much you all care. As I drove away after picking up my kit, I saw home owners waiting to say hello and I started to cry. I have never felt so proud to be part of a community.

Yes.  Something special is happening here.  If you’re interested in being part of it, or inviting a friend to do so, please visit us at Hualā or email or call us at 325-8177.

Share Aloha Video

The Spirit of Ohana Means More Now Than Ever



A Note from Nico Leilani Verissimo
Executive Director, Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation

Thank you to each and every one of the 77 Hualalai members who collectively contributed to the Hualalai Crisis Response Fund appeal for support, raising $350,000 in just a few short weeks.  We reached out to furloughed employees to ask them what their greatest needs and concerns were.  They told us that food, support for utility payments and basic life necessities were most pressing.

So, in true ‘ohana fashion, we reached out to the local business community to ask for their support. And, gratefully, those businesses stepped up to provide support in the form of additional gift cards on our purchases to KTA Super Stores, Foodland, Hawaii Electric Light Co., Target and Costco. Recognizing the caliber of Hualalai employee talent and training, Target even offered to hire furloughed employees until such time the resort is back to normal operations.  Wow.

The Hawaiian word for this is “kakou” meaning “inclusiveness” and “were all in this together”.  Kakou is the language of “WE” and, here at the ‘Ohana Foundation there’s nothing more important.

On May 1, 2020, in partnership with the Hualalai Resort and Four Seasons leadership, the Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation distributed 400 carefully curated customized ‘Ohana Kokua Kits to local employee families through a drive-thru parade here at Hualalai. It was no small feat to get 400 cars in and out of Hualalai in under 2 hours but we did it – thanks to you! It’s amazing what “WE” can do together. Employees didn’t know what was inside their Kokua Kits but we made sure to make them feel loved.  And since “Good News” bars seem to be in short supply these days, we included a roll of “Lifesavers” along with the gift cards and flyers on our scholarships and medical support programs.  Just because – why not?

Thank you to the members who created homemade “We Miss You!” signs and drove your golf carts to the distribution site.  Seeing you lined up with your signs and shakas held high was just golden and unforgettable.  May Day is lei day in Hawaii and your aloha really showered the employee ‘ohana with the type only Hualalai can offer.  Your concern for the well-being of the employee ‘ohana is clear. And because words cannot possibly capture the depth of aloha and appreciation that the employees have for what you have made possible, we figured it would be best if we shared their heartfelt, overjoyed, tear-inducing thank you notes with you instead.  We like to call them “Tissue Box Mahalos” because that’s just the only way to describe it.

We know you’re busy and there’s not a lot of time in the day.  But, if nothing else, please read the note on the first page of the link below. To us, it says everything.


It melts my heart knowing how much you all care. As I drove away after picking up my kit, I saw home owners waiting to say hello and I started to cry. I have never felt so proud to be part of a community.

Yes.  Something special is happening here.  If you’re interested in being part of it, or inviting a friend to do so, please visit us at or email nicoleilani.hof@gmail.comor call us at 325-8177.

“WE” are all here for you.



Sunrise, Sunset and the Ocean

This piece of the rock called Hualalai remains a haven and has become a home to many of us, hunkering here.

photos by Bill McDowell


And for a tiny taste of the ocean, click the link below.



Supporting Local Independent Bookstores

At the last Eleo Talk Story meeting, which was held on Zoom, people discussed how important it is to support local independent book stores. Kona Stories Book Store is not open because of Covid 19, but the owner will accommodate to your book needs! The phone number is 808-324-0350. On-line:

Weekly Update: Worth Attention

It’s definitely worth your time, especially right now, to check out the Weekly Club Update. As well as important announcements, you can find information about the on-line programs the Four Seasons is creating for us.  And then, flyers like the ones for Mother’s Day flowers, are posted here.


Ohana Foundation Kokua Kits Distribution

The spirit of Aloha is alive and well.

Hualalai furloughed employees received their Kokua kits on May 1, expressing their gratitude as they came through the drive-thru distribution center. Thanks, Hans Riddervold and Bill McDowell, for the photos that give us an idea of what took place. Thanks to all who have donated to make this possible. Thanks to the Ohana Foundation who made all of it work. Thanks to the volunteers and the Ohana Foundation staff for their tireless efforts. The notes of appreciation are already coming in.


Ohana Foundation Crisis Fund Kits To Be Distributed, Friday, May 1

photo by Bill McDowell

This Friday, May 1, from 9-11:00AM, the Ohana Foundations Crisis Relief Fund will be gifting over 435 employee families with their Kokua Kits.

Employees will be receiving a combination of gift cards for Target, KTA, Foodland, Costco and/or HELCo credit toward utility bills plus an anonymous donor is including $100 for each kit.  BTW, each of the vendors kicked in additional percentages to our large block buy of certificates so our dollars parlayed the ability to reach even more employees!

To confirm, the distribution plan for May 1 is scheduled between 9 and 11 am.  Letters A-L will be there between 9-10 am and letters M-Z will be there from 10-11 am. It is a drive thru, very organized to keep traffic within the gates of Hualalai to a minimum.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to make this possible. And thank you to the Ohana Foundation for making it work.


Sunset Surprise

On Thursday, out of gray and gloomy skies, this crimson sunset appeared. I can only think it’s a metaphor for good times ahead.

photo by Bill McDowell

Hualalai Ohana Foundation Crisis Response Fund

The Hualalai Ohana Foundation launched a fund on March 27 to raise money to support furloughed Hualalai employees facing urgent financial situations.  See

On April 2, an employee survey was sent out to 700 furloughed employees to better understand their needs. Most responses were from full time employees who have worked here for over 5 years, who have 1-3 children and combined household incomes of less than $99,000.  The top concerns included how they would make ends meet for basic needs: food, utilities and medical. Employees expressed their gratitude for the outreach and extension of support provided by our homeowner community through the Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation.

On April 15, an email was sent to employees announcing the opening of applications for the employee Crisis Relief Fund.  As of today, 250 applications have been received. An outreach to employees will  continue through all possible channels.

The Hualalai ‘Ohana Crisis Response fund has raised $259,980 from 56 donors.  Every dollar donated will go directly to employees to help answer the needs they expressed. May 1st, in partnership with the Hualalai leadership team, the Ohana Foundation will be distributing support to employees through a Hualalai ‘Ohana Drive-Thru Pickup.  Gift cards to local grocery stores and stipends to provide support for their utility bills will be distributed.

There has been a tremendous show of support from several local businesses, including KTA Super Stores, Foodland, and Target who have stepped up and provided in-kind matching funds in the form of gift cards. Award amounts will be based on the final number of applications and donations received but the awards will be in the range of $400 to $1,000 in value.  The goal is to help maintain balance in the lives of those who make Hualalai our beloved home.

Barbecue to Go!

Beauty and Serenity of Hualalai

From the camera of Bill McDowell with an egret photo from me.

Smithsonian Earth Optimism Digital Summit


Join the Earth Optimism Digital Summit!

The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is next week and in recognition, the Smithsonian Institution will be hosting the 2020 Earth Optimism Digital Summit from April 22-24th. Watch the LIVE broadcast online on Facebook LiveTwitterYoutube and on the Earth Optimism website.

More than 100 global leaders will share successful conservation strategies being deployed worldwide and discuss how to scale and mainstream these strategies to achieve transformative change.

Earth Optimism aims to fundamentally shift how we frame the narrative about our planet – from doom and gloom to optimism and opportunity. Started in 2017 through a partnership between the Smithsonian Institution and the Cambridge Conservation Initiative, the Earth Optimism movement emerged from two key realizations: 1) that fear without hope leads to apathy rather than action, and 2) that conservation successes are widespread yet not widely appreciated. You won’t want to miss this inspiring three-day event!

Join us on Earth Day and please share this announcement widely!

A Great Resource: Kona Butcher Shop

Kona Butcher Shop is a  great all year round resource, but especially terrific right now for us Hunkering Hualalai Survivors.

Kona Butcher Shop will deliver!

Making the Most of Staying At Home

Judy Huret sent this to share from the Smithsonian’s Dr. Richard Kurin:
Smithsonian Virtual Field Trip to DC

During this time that the Smithsonian is closed to the visiting public, we are still intent on pursuing our mission and in serving the American and broader global public.

One of the Smithsonian offerings is a recent project I did for The Great Courses called The Great Tours: Washington, D.C. This a series of 24 television-like programs about the nation’s capital. It features lectures, visits to monuments, memorials, iconic sites, museums and other DC highlights. I’ll be the tour guide, and along the way there are interviews with Colin Powell, Jose Andres, Yo-Yo Ma, David Rubenstein, Lonnie Bunch, scientist Brandie Smith who oversees animal care at the National Zoo, and many others.   Usually Great Courses charges a fee, but in partnering with the Smithsonian, they have agreed to make it free to all. That’s because all of those students, teachers and others who want to travel to DC in person in the Spring cannot —so we are bringing the Nation’s Capital online to people where they live. You–and anyone you know–can watch the series at


Also on Tuesday, April 21 at 12 noon Eastern time (11 am Central, 10 am Mountain, and 9 am Pacific) I will be hosting a Facebook Live/Great Courses hour-long session. So, please join me if you can at



Hoping All Our Members Are Safe and Healthy

 photo by Bill McDowell


During this time of CoVid 19 illness and lockdown, we want to reach out to all our members where ever you are sheltering. Stay safe and healthy.

Here’s the situation on the Big Island as of Saturday, April 11, 2020.  According to West Hawaii Today, there are 34 cases here, 3 new. The whole state has 486 cases with 8 deaths.


Hunkering at Hualalai






Bill McDowell shot a photo of Daniel and Sebastian contemplating the ocean, the present and the future.



Meanwhile, Marci Cooper has adopted the new bandana mask. “Next stop, the bank,” she says.


Natural Beauty and a Classified Ad

photo by Bill McDowell

Classified Ad

SEGWAYS were bought in ’07 by a previous homeowner and purchased by us

in ’13; we’ve bought new lithium ion batteries and keys for both and have enjoyed

them. We just don’t use them anymore. Perfect Condition. 5K for both.

Contact Michele Dominick 310-382-0571 by text or phone

Invitation and Classified

Chef Bellec invites us all to a virtual cooking demo!

Please join me on April 8 at 12.00PM (HST) on FS Hualalai instagram for a live cooking demo from my house.
Hope to see you soon and be safe & healthy…Thomas BellecExecutive Chef






For Sale A custom six foot in diameter marble table with a custom steel base . One thousand dollars.

Call Bill at 602 469 0084