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Kona Historical Society

Kohala Coast Resort Association Food Drives

The Kohala Coast Resort Association was awarded $900,000 in federal coronavirus relief funds from the County of Hawaii to distribute much-needed food packages to nearly 5,000 furloughed employees in the hospitality industry who are represented by the association.

The food distribution is every two weeks. There’s another one scheduled for this Monday, November 23 in case you’d like to throw some Hualalai shaka’s at employees as they drive by.

Thank you to the Hualalai Resort Ohana for being there for our employees in need during this pandemic.


Red Skies in the Morning…

Early birds Bill McDowell and Becky Holman capture the incredible sunrise on November 18.



Source for Genuine N95 Masks:

Kathy Kimball has been wearing a N95 mask around Hualalai that is distributed by her brother. “I get stopped constantly by people asking where I got my mask,” she says. “My brother  just started a website where people can  buy N95s in smaller quantities than the pallets they were initially selling.”

“These N95 masks are made in the USA, trackable, registered N95 Masks. We are trying to distribute in a way that gets these to all who need them,” Kathy’s brother says.”You will note that these are N95 NIOSH with full traceability, not the knock off KN95’s.”



Of The Beach, Honu, Surfboard and Sunset

Bill McDowell has captured some award winning photos of  the different aspects of Hualalai, at sunset.


Hualalai Ohana Foundation: What a Year!

2020 has been a challenge for everyone. For the hundreds of Hualalai employees that were furloughed in March, the challenges have been life altering. From the beginning of the pandemic the Hualalai Ohana Foundation went to work to help families here survive and thrive.

Ocean Front Cart Path

Alan Dubroff, Hualalai Community Association, announced that repairs will be made to the Ocean Front cart path.  The repairs will start next week, on Wednesday November 18th, and continue periodically until approximately November 27th.  During the repairs the cart path between the 17th and 18th holes will be periodically closed to golf cart traffic and pedestrian traffic will be detoured around the work areas.
Because the Ocean Front cart path is less than 6 feet wide in many places, most people wear masks when they approach anyone, and walk single file if in a group.
Then, there are always other people!
Meanwhile, the Beach Tree is gearing up for reopening!

Fiery Sunset Lights Up the Sky

Welcome back Bill McDowell!

Hualalai Follows Hawai’i County Regulations

Many of you returning to Hualalai have commented that it’s not the same here as it was pre-COVID. Ain’t that the truth!!!!!!

One of the differences is that new rules have been established because of the pandemic. Although I don’t always want to follow them, I realize the Club is trying to protect us, and that they are mandated by Hawai’i County to do so. Please co-operate with all staff when they ask. (I forgot my temperature ribbon one night and had to go home to get it. Fortunately, nothing is more than 5 minutes away.)

Below is the map with a COVID-19 Update of cases in Hawai’i.

  • Hawaiʻi County: 1386 (11 new; 216 within last 14 days; 68 required hospitalization; and 31 deaths)

I thought I’d re-share part of the Club Update from Martin Sinclair about:

Physical distancing and face masks: 

Hualalai continues to stress the importance and the benefits of safe practices of physical distancing and wearing masks. Members have expressed their expectation that this courtesy should be exercised among fellow Members around the property and especially when they are within six feet of other Members and employees.

In accordance with Hawai’i County regulations, as well as, with guidance from medical experts and in line with industry best practices, Hualālai Club requires that all Members and guests (age 5 and above) wear a face mask when in all indoor and outdoor public spaces on property and when entering and leaving all outlets and areas, such as the Canoe Club, Ke’olu, Residents’ Beach House, swimming pools, and Alaka’i Nalu. Masks should be worn at all times in the Trading Company, Salon, Fitness Center, Tennis Shop, Golf Pro Shop, comfort stations, and all restrooms. Please ensure children are also respecting these policies as it puts our team members in very uncomfortable situations to address the children when these guidelines are not followed. Masks are strongly recommended for children age 2-4 years old.

Dining Outlets including Trading Company

Wristbands and face masks are required

Based on Hawai’i Country regulations dining party sizes may be limited to the prevailing guidance for large party seating. Masks are required at all times while entering and moving through the restaurant. They may be removed when seated at your table. Visiting other tables during your dining experience is not permitted to allow for appropriate physical distancing in the restaurant. Tables have been arranged to allow for required physical distancing in each outlet.


Wristbands and face masks are required upon entry and departure

Masks are required at all times while entering the pool and if stepping off the deck, for example to utilize restrooms or mobile devices. They may be removed while seated at your lounger or utilizing the pool. Visiting other loungers during your pool experience is not permitted to allow for appropriate physical distancing. Loungers have been arranged to allow for required physical distancing at each pool.


For further information, you can refer to Martin’s update.



Four Seasons Pushes to the Finish

Four Seasons Hualalai is scheduled to open on December 1.


Work is moving ahead at a fast pace to meet the deadline.





Hoku Concert Series Event


There are 4 seats remaining for this private concert on December 5 at 5:30pm at a private residence in Keauhou Estates.

(If a host or co-host wishes to have a day added at their home on Friday Dec 4, contact Frank Meyer 206 853-5393.)

WANTED: A Licensed Driver to “Exercise” An Owner’s Car

An owner needs someone to drive her car once a week with the goal of keeping the engine and battery running. If you or someone you know would like to do this, phone Karen at 808-329-3343.


It’s A Beautiful Morning!

One of the benefits of waking up at Hualalai each morning is the always changing viewscape mix of land, sky and sea.

Yesterday’s rainbow didn’t disappoint.


photo courtesy of Judy Huret


Tuesday Temperature Check In


With the number of COVID cases rising, the Hualalai Club is especially dedicated to keeping us all safe. Taking members’ temperatures once a week is a tool in the arsenal for prevention of a community spread. In the photo below, members had a meet and greet while checking in.



Eleo’s Talk Story, November 19th

Beach Path Work Stalled

This statement is in the Weekly Club Update: The beach path between Palm Grove and Beach Tree is open, however caution should be used as there are uneven surfaces where parts of the path have been removed.  Repairs on the pathway have begun and it will be completed on October 25th.  

The photo above was taken on October 23. No work is being done and the pathway is blocked.



Beware the Blister Beetles!!!!


One of our members wanted to share that we should be aware of the Blister Beetles in the dead grass on the outskirts of the grassy area between the 17th and 18th holes. She had an unfortunate encounter and ended up with severe blistering on her feet. Although they are non toxic to humans, upon contact the beetles release cantharidin, an odorless, colorless compound that causes the rash and blistering. The beetles are dangerous for dogs to ingest, and are found in the edges of gardens or lawn areas. They love flowers so Hawaii is a paradise for them, as well as for us.



Aloha to Returning Members

Welcome back to the serenity and beauty that is Hualalai. These essentials remain but the Hualalai Resort is a different place than it was pre-Covid. For instance, the wearing of masks and social distancing are practices followed here for our continued safety and health. You will also find hand sanitizers easily available.

 Each Tuesday, you will need to be re-checked and issued a new wristband
to enjoy access privileges.
Temperature check station hours of operation:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 am – 12 noon and 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Security is also available to provide temperature checks by appointment, based on availability by calling
(808) 325-8325.

Pathway Repairs Underway!

Glad to report that the pathway between Palm Grove and the Beach Tree is under active repair!

Ever Wonder How Hurricanes Get Their Names?

Barbara Kildow shared this interesting article about how hurricanes get their names. I hope we don’t have to get on a first name basis with one at Hualalai anytime soon!



Also, just for fun: a shot of one of the quirky creatures you see at night at Hualalai after two glasses of wine.

Hualalai Ohana Foundation: Creating Change For Good

In the Club Update, if you go to the Ohana Foundation portal you can see three thank you letters received  from employees helped by Foundation programs. The first letter is from an employee helped by the Foundation’s medical award programs.  This employee spent a long time writing this letter, he really wanted it to be special and it was important to him that he capture all the ways this made his family grateful for the Foundation programs and donors who make it all possible. The second letter is from an employee who is helping advance her career here at Hualalai by taking an online course focused on plant-based nutrition at eCornell so that she can expand her skills.  This employee is excited about the opportunity to learn, to connect and to grow.

We, Hualalai members, are providing these opportunities for Hualalai Resort’s employees.

We are helping people change their lives for the better!