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Kona Historical Society

Moving Forward

Hualalai Club is opening up some venues. Again we want to thank all the staff for doing such incredible work to make it viable for us, who are here, to experience more while staying safe.

“Temperature Check Wristbands,” are necessary for entrance and use of any amenities.



Hualalai Golf Course renovation is going full speed ahead.


Here’s the Seventeenth getting a face lift.

The first fantastic photo is by Bill McDowell. The one with some employees waving is mine. This is proof of what I told Bill on Sunday: that we can photograph the same scene, but there’s no comparison. His is always art.


Here is one of the trucks that speeds back and forth, dropping grass. And of course, we all know that Hualalai is the rainbow’s end.



P.S.  The path to the ocean is open!!!!

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