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Kona Historical Society

Help Solve a Mystery

Jingles is like many feral cats on Hualalai property.  Born wild she attached herself to a home owner on Lipoa Street and has become semi domesticated.  She spends a good amount of time in her “cave” but visits neighbors regularly for pets and tidbits.  Then something awful happened.  Jingles was trapped in her “cave”.  Someone blocked the entrance and she couldn’t get out.  A frantic neighbor was looking for her, discoverd that Jingles was stuck inside and pulled out all the rocks to get her free.

Sweet little Jingles

This is where Jingles lives.

And this is what someone did to make sure she couldn’t get out.


The neighbors have asked around trying to find out who possibly would have done this.  They have contacted the Hualalai Members Blog to ask anyone who may have any informaton about this mystery please call the following number:  (509) 952-9964

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