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Kona Historical Society

Trading Company is blessing attended by staff.

Today at around 10AM the screens around the Trading Company came down and employees arrived to share in the blessing. (we apologize for the quality of the photo)

Sneaking behind Alakai Nalu

If you sneak behind the main desk for the Alakai Nalu you will find this little shed.


And all the water scooters are stored inside. Cool.


Jack Fish caught off of Hualalai

“They caught this jack fish or Ulua using a spear gun. I think the fish must weigh close to 50 lbs! Never know what you will come across at Hualalai.” Kathy Ferguson sent this photo in.

In the near future I will be sharing some interesting information about the Ka’upulehu Marine Life Advisory […]

When we saw this car we expected clowns…

This Biancina came over from Kukio to get gas.


The Autobianchi Bianchina is a minicar produced by the Italianautomaker Autobianchi, based on the Fiat 500. It was available in various configurations: Berlina (saloon), Cabriolet (roadster),Trasformabile (convertible), Panoramica (station wagon), andFurgoncino (van). The car was presented to the public on 16 […]

The Easter Bunny Cometh


Security leads wild turkey off Waiulu Street


The turkey follows the security officer as he leads him away from residences.

Linda Borgman captured one of the turkeys in full form.



Another Pic of Snow on Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea from Hualalai

Photograph by Ethan Tweedie, Photographer


Fun Decorations for an event at the Hoku Theater

Umbrellas hanging from a tree at the Hoku Theater.

Spotted on the Fairway during the Hualalai Invitationa

Hualalai Invitational Hula Golfers

Thanks to Ann Barasch


Many Trees Downed During the Storm Last Friday Night



Becky Watts Ford Explorer was buried up by Hanoa Villas.

Thanks to Becky Watts


Just in Photos of the Cart Parade Today


And a thank you to Bill McDowell again.


Hawaiian State Bird spotted on the fifth hole of the Ke ‘Olu course

It doesn’t happen often, but today a family of Nene’s (Hawaiian geese) was spotted on the fifth hole of the Hualalai Course. They tend to be spotted up country but not down here. One Nene was banded.

New Chairs at the Beach House

If you grab a bite to eat at the Residents Beach House, check out the new chairs.

The Royal Ponciana by the Four Seasons Entrance is in full bloom.

Perfect Sunset at Beach House

Beach House Sunset

Thanks to Alex Gersznowicz

Ka ‘Ulu Entrances Almost Complete

Thanks to Kathy Styer

What’s all the kerfuffle on Ka ‘Ulu and Ahinahina Street?






Major activity on Ka ‘Ulu Street



The Ka ‘Ulu Villas are having a face lift at their entrances. The Board accepted Ray Lager’s landscape design to enhance their entryway. Ray, our fellow member and all around great guy is now doing landscape design for individual […]

A House Disappears on Kumukehu Street

Demolition of a home on Kumukehu Street

Paint Run was a success


A big Mahalo to Jahn Sawinski, the Junior Board, volunteers and participants for taking part in a truly fantastic 1st Annual Paint Run Event. Also, a big thank you to the Boschwitz family for underwriting the event and to Kate and Mecca for their large donation to this fundraiser.

Winners of the Xmas Cart Parade