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Kona Historical Society

Hualalai Four Seasons, Hard at Work

The Four Seasons remains shut down as major renovation is in progress:





Order from Pueo’s Osteria

Pueo’s Osteria has been delivering to Hualalai (Ke’olu parking lot) on Wednesdays and would like to continue to do so if there is enough interest. The food is fabulous! Click on the image below to see details.

Moving Forward

Hualalai Club is opening up some venues. Again we want to thank all the staff for doing such incredible work to make it viable for us, who are here, to experience more while staying safe.

“Temperature Check Wristbands,” are necessary for entrance and use of any amenities.



Hualalai Golf Course renovation is […]

Temperature Checking Station News

As the days go by and one disaster seems to follow another, it is comforting to know that Hualalai is still here. In this photo by Bill McDowell, the sky seems to echo the drama of the chaos. But the land and sea also calms us. With all the uncertainty, we know the sun […]

A New Perspective

One of the benefits of slowing down and staying put is the opportunity to look at what’s around us and actually see it. Foliage abounds at my feet, but I rarely stop to appreciate it.










Sunsets and sunrises are vivid at this time of […]

Tiffany’s Art Agency Donating to Ohana Foundation

A Note From Tiffany DeEtte Shafto:

In an effort to support our Island community in these interesting times, I’m donating 10% of art purchases made by Hualalai Members to the Hualalai Ohana Foundation for the duration of the resort closure. While I’ve been donating 10% of the purchases made from our shows at Hualalai Realty, […]

Aloha, Martin Sinclair. Welcome!

Martin Sinclair, the acting manager of Hualalai Club, is out of quarantine and is already involved in moving the club forward to the benefit of membership. He’s been hanging out at The Trading Company, getting to chat with members. You can email Martin at:

Martin, unmasked.


Hawaii’s Aloha is on Hold

Hawaii enforces strict lockdown measures

I put on Facebook recently that I feel life has become freeze dried and could fit in a Tubberware bowl. Instead of hither and thithering, we’ve been locked in place. Now that is changing in many parts of the United States. But Hawaii maintains its 14 day quarantine and is […]

Mahalo to Employees Who Wear Masks



Click Now To See Mahalo Notes

Sorry, dear readers,

If you clicked on yesterday’s post, nothing happened. No notes. Your editor admits to being technologically impaired. Hope this one works. 😁🤓


The Ohana Foundation Invites You to Read Wonderful Notes of Mahalo.



It melts my heart knowing how much you all care. As I […]

Share Aloha Video

Ohana Foundation Crisis Fund Kits To Be Distributed, Friday, May 1

photo by Bill McDowell

This Friday, May 1, from 9-11:00AM, the Ohana Foundations Crisis Relief Fund will be gifting over 435 employee families with their Kokua Kits.

Employees will be receiving a combination of gift cards for Target, KTA, Foodland, Costco and/or HELCo credit toward utility bills plus an anonymous […]

Hualalai Ohana Foundation Crisis Response Fund

The Hualalai Ohana Foundation launched a fund on March 27 to raise money to support furloughed Hualalai employees facing urgent financial situations. See

On April 2, an employee survey was sent out to 700 furloughed employees to better understand their needs. Most responses were from full time employees who have worked here for over […]

Beauty and Serenity of Hualalai

From the camera of Bill McDowell with an egret photo from me.


A Great Resource: Kona Butcher Shop

Kona Butcher Shop is a great all year round resource, but especially terrific right now for us Hunkering Hualalai Survivors.

Kona Butcher Shop will deliver!

Making the Most of Staying At Home

Judy Huret sent this to share from the Smithsonian’s Dr. Richard Kurin: Smithsonian Virtual Field Trip to DC

During this time that the Smithsonian is closed to the visiting public, we are still intent on pursuing our mission and in serving the American and broader global public.

One of the Smithsonian offerings is a […]