The Chicago Magic Lounge is coming to Hualalai on September 7! Prepare to be mystified!
Aloha Hualalai Jubilee Supporters & ‘Ohana! Silent Auction Information: Silent auction is now open and bids are welcome online at the following link: To bid on an item, you will need to first join the auction to bid. Once you have joined, the system will send you a “magic link” via […] Wave action in the ocean.
Wave Chi
Achy shoulder? Not hitting the ball as well as you used to? Wave Chi may be your answer. These light weight Indian Clubs are helping Hualalai members and staff. Dr. Andrew Branchflower, director of corporate wellness for […] NERD TALK: May 26, Friday at 10:30 AM On May 26, the Kumu Kai Marine Center is welcoming Mr. Jackson Letchworth, a biologist with the National Park Service. His current work includes leading numerous projects restoring the rich cultural and natural landscapes of Kaloko-Honokhau National Historical Park. This work at the Park encompasses cultural […] HAWAII ISLAND CHARITY WALK: May 13, 2023 at Waikoloa Beach Resort, Queen’s Marketplace Hawaii Island Charity Walk – Hawaii Lodging & Tourism Association Since 1979, Hawaiʻi Island has raised more than $5.3 million to support hundreds of diverse non-profit organizations on the island. The public is always invited to participate in this annual […]
It was a beautiful way to celebrate the first of May. Chatting with friends, old and new, in the warm morning sun while viewing the beautiful lei made by Hualalai folks. Auntie Kaulu performed hula while Micah played ukulele. Uncle Earl came too! Thank you Hualalai Cultural Center and Ka’ai McAfee-Torco.
[…] Lei lovers come celebrate May Day at Hualalai Cultural Center.
🌺🌺🌺 Sunrise and Sunset by Bill McDowell
Welcome back to the updated Hualalai Members Blog!! The way it is now set up, I will do two blog posts a week.
NERD TALK: Friday, April 28 | 10:30 AM at Kumu Kai Marine Center at King’s Pond NERD […] Check out artist Becky Holman’s new boxes in the Hualalai Pro Shop! Below are two of them.
Hualalai Club members visited Three-Ring Ranch recently.
photo montage by Diane Kantor
Sally Reeve shared this: On January 8, Dr. Patrick Hart gave members a look at the audial behavioral and community ecology and conservation of Hawaiian forests and birds. Much of his research was conducted at the Hakalau Wildlife Refuge on the eastern slopes of Mauna Kea. He is the founder of the Hart […] January and February have been busy months on the Big Island, showcasing the rich cultural history of Hawaii. January was MUʻUMUʻU month, and February brought the Cherry Blossom Festival in Waimea. February is also: Mahina ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, Hawaiian Language Month. Here are some shots taken by the Holman Ohana:
[…] The other morning on my walk, I saw that they’d put up the Mitsubishi sign. There’s gotta be a drone around here, I thought. Lo and behold, there it was! And also there, close by, were the two men who make the drone happen. (They wanted to look busy when I took the shot, […]
The Big Island of Hawaii is internationally recognized as an excellent natural biological lab. Join DrPatrick Hart in a fascinating look at the audial, behavioral and community ecology and conservationof Hawaiian forests and birds. Dr Hart is a leading expert in Native Hawaiian forests and birds aswell as founder of the […] |