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Kona Historical Society

Bill McDowell drew large crowd at Know your Neighbor last night

About 65 people jammed into the Ke ‘Olu Living Room (standing room only) while Bill shared his tales and photos of traveling to Mongolia and photographing the Eagle Hunters.  CJ Stiles, Bill’s mentor and fellow traveler joined him in sharing the stories.  Barbara Britt, fellow member, helped in leading the discussion.

Bill McDowell, Mike Sack, CJ Stiles and Barbara Britt


Bill taking a sunset photo at a Blow Hole just south of the Airport. Dr. Ray and CJ accompanied him.


Thank you Bill, CJ and Barbara and all attendees for making the event a success and as always thank you, Bill for your fab photos.  Also thank you to the staff of Ke ‘Olu including Chad for setting up the AV system, Shelbie for coordinating the dining room and the deserts and Nora Calamayan for organizing the back of the house arrangements.

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