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Kona Historical Society

TRY WAIT, a protection of our near waterfront is having its last public hearing…all is invited.

sea turtle

We just got this in:  Verne Yamanaka, a local member of Hualalai,  wanted our membership to know about this hearing.

The KMLAC will be making a presenting of our “Try Wait” program to County and State legislators at the Ka’upulehu Interpretive Center at 10:00 am. We welcome interested residents to this and future presentations in the next few months.

We received State Land Board approval to move forward with a public hearing. This should be the last step prior to final approval. We anticipate that hearing to be scheduled shortly.

The KMLAC has been a group that was formed prior to the building of the Four Seasons Hotel at Ka’upulehu to monitor the impact on the ocean resources from Ka Lae Mano (Lot 4A)  to Kikaua Point (Kukio). This group is made up of Kamehameha Schools (KS), Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), Kona Hawaiian Civic Club (KHCC), Families of the Ahupua’a of Ka’upulehu and Tenants of the Ahupua’a ( Hualalai Development, Ka’upulehu Development, KP2 & Kukio).

 Over the past sixteen years with the advent of public access to our shoreline we have seen a tremendous degradation of our marine and near shore resources due to unlimited take. A once sustainable resource has been decimated to the point that my own children and grandchildren do not come to our shoreline to take marine life in fear that we will catch the “last fish”. The Kupuna and families of Ka’upulehu together with the KMLAC feel that it is time to rest the resource. We would ask that the State DLNR allow us to “try wait” on taking from this area for a period of ten (10) years to allow the marine life to grow to a sustainable population. Our goal is to implement a traditional Hawaiian Kapu system to manage the resource from that point on as a sustainable resource.

If you are interested in going to this meeting contact the Residential Concierge 808.325.8450 for directions on how to get to the Interpretive Center.

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