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Kona Historical Society

Did you know?

  • There are about 4,000 tropical fish in the King’s Pond.

  • Over 95% of the fish in the King’s Pond are rescue fish or discards  from those who catch tropical fish and sell them.  Our King’s Pond fish were the rejects because they weren’t deemed perfect enough to be sold.

  • That over 90% of the fish in the King’s Pond are the original fish and that they have lived so long that the estimates of a few of the species life spans have been corrected because of our pond.

  • That David purchased 50,000 Black Tiger Prawns and placed them in the tanks on the north side of the property where they were fed on fish meal and soy protein, then moved to the Punawai Pond (the water hazard on the fifth hole of Ke ‘Olu).  They continue to grow there and become almost a pound in size. David feels they will be harvested in July or August of this year and will be served at Hualalai restaurants.

  • Many of us remember the various sharks that lived in the pond by Pahui’a.  They, like the fish in the King’s Pond, were rescue sharks brought to David by fisherman.  Most fishermen will kill a shark that they catch in error so it won’t eat their baits and or the prey.  David spreads the word that instead of killing the sharks, they should bring them to Hualalai and we will take care of them until they are ready to be released.

  • 2,000 gallons of sea water are pumped into the King’s Pond every minute and 5,000 gallons are pumped out to a groundwater well and to the fish tanks on the north side of our property.   The difference in the amount of water is accounted for by the mass of subsurface water constantly coming into the pond.

Other Activities offered by David Chai and his staff:

  • Ocean Exploration–kids can experience fun ocean learning activities at the King’s pond on Thursdays at 9:5 AM ($50 fee).

  • Soon there will be a Catch, tag and release fishing program with prizes at 8:30AM on Thursdays.  (Fee required and limited space—check with the concierge).

  • Every Wednesday at 8:30 at the Hale Nalu a member of David’s staff leads a pond tour (free).

  • There are tide pool tours when the tide is out.  Check with the concierge regarding when these occur.

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