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Kona Historical Society

PROFILE: Team Blevins

This is the beginning of a series called “Profiles”.  Periodically we will present a profile of an employee or resident of Hualalai so everyone can get to know who is around campus.  Our first is

Team Blevins

Jerry and Kelly Blevins

So, you’ve been thinking of shaping-up; thinking of doing a little more exercise.  Or you’re coming home to Hualalai where it’s fun to be active, but that knee is acting up, or maybe it’s that shoulder.  Or you’ve had some back issues and the doc has suggested some Physical Therapy, but you want to spend some time at Hualalai.  Or you’re thinking of entering a marathon and need some training.  Or maybe you just want to do better at tennis or golf, or you just want to lose weight, or become more flexible.  Team Blevins is what you want.

Jerry Blevins has been a trainer since 1982.  With his degree in Kinesiology from the University of Northern Colorado, his license in therapeutic massage, his certification as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and further certification in Golf Biomechanics Jerry has the background to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be.  His focus is on sports-specific and individualized training.  Make an appointment to see him through the spa and he will evaluate your abilities, help you define your goals and design a program for you.  Right now he works at Hualalai Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and sees about 30 members regularly.  He will work with you at your home, at the gyms on the property or outside in the fresh air.

Jerry has been working at Hualalai for seven years and has resided on the Big Island for nine years.  Prior to that he practiced in the San Francisco Bay Area.  He has trained many famous athletes, but is most comfortable working with “normal” people.  “Hualalai is like a family to me,” Jerry said, “It’s a joy and honor, and I love to help keep my clients here healthy and active.”  Many of the members credit Jerry for improving their lives and some even for continuing to have life.

Kelly, Jerry’s wife of 15 years is the other half of the team.  Kelly received her undergraduate degree at San Jose State in Exercise Physiology, then went on to get her Master’s in Physical Therapy at  the University of California at San Francisco.  Kelly’s specialties include the spine (back and neck), sports medicine and orthotics.  Two days a week she works at North Hawaii Hospital at their inpatient physical therapy department.  The rest of the time she is on contract with Hualalai and Kukio for physical therapy consultations and treatment.

The two, working together, is what makes Team Blevins so unusual.  If you have a physical therapy issue Kelly will work with you and then Jerry can train you so your whole body is in synch with the therapy.  Conversely, if Jerry is your trainer and you get a sprain or other physical issue that require the attention of a physical therapist, Kelly is brought in to help out.    And if you need a very specific therapeutic massage to aid in healing, Jerry is there for you, too.  The best part is that they’re not only highly trained professionals, they’re lots of fun, too.

If you spend enough time with Team Blevins you will eventually get to meet their beautiful daughters, Jenna (7) and Sadie (5).  They all live in Waimea but they spend a good deal of time on the coast working with their clients at Hualalai.

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