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Kona Historical Society

A Memory From the Past

Becky Holman shared the following story about Hualalai’s blue chairs.

Years ago, when the surf took the blue Adirondack chairs by the Beach House out to sea and tossed them back all battered, I went by the carpentry shop for weeks to console them and check on their recuperation.  No deal. There was no way to save them.

So, I made an appointment with David Oliver, then the second in command, took my legal pad and pen and appeared at his office with a very serious expression.  When I explained how important the blue chairs were to all of us who ever walk that beach path, take photographs, party at sunset, or just visualize paradise while we are not at Hualalai, I could see David was paying attention but looking somewhat perplexed.  There was really no source in the island for Nantucket-style furniture, as I knew, as well.

However, when I pulled out my paint samples of every shade of cerulean blue, painted on both canvas and watercolor paper, ranging from darker to lighter hues, David’s face took on a determined look.  By the following week, he had ordered, not three, but five chairs, had them painted the exact color I recommended~~the color of the ocean, of course~~and the Beach House regained its well-loved place in our hearts.

Thank you for sharing that, Becky…Editor

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