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Kona Historical Society

Ohana Foundation Scholars Brunch: A Special Event!

Congratulations to Keilana Crane, Gabby Gutierrez and Sabrina Lelm,

the First Recipients of The Hualali Ohana Foundation Scholars Awards.


The Hualalai ‘Ohana Foundation Education Committee and staff held a celebratory brunch at Ulu Restaurant for the Hualalai scholars and their families. HOF board members had a chance to mingle with the  proud parents and scholars, while the scholars had the opportunity to get to know HOF’s board members and staff. The recipients asked questions about their scholarships, their future college plans and board members had the opportunity explained how HOF can support them during their college careers in Hawaii.

Special thanks to Martha Mouer for the incredible decorations and thoughtful extra touches that made the morning so memorable.  Each attendee received a special gold box with a gold fortune cookie.  Inside the box was a delicate pearl necklace for each participant containing this mesage:  The world is your oyster…it’s up to you to find the pearls”.

There wasn’t a dry eye on the lanai!

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