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Kona Historical Society

It’s Nice To See Your Face!



COVID-19 will soon become part of our life long histories. We can go forward now with unPlexiglassed spaces. We can exercise right next to a person, and go to a meeting that is not on Zoom. We can take a walk without masking. The ribbons we wore on our wrists at Hualalai are already such distant memories that when I found one in a drawer, I didn’t know what it was.

This transition brings change. At first we were like Punxsutawney Phil, coming out of our holes (if you can call any home at Hualalai a hole). Cautious, we fingered our masks, sniffed the air for danger, saw our shadows, but then fought the urge to return to our safe havens. I’m seeing people for the first time without their masks, and not knowing who they are. I just didn’t picture their facial features correctly in my mind. I keep saying, “It’s nice to see your face!” (A lot of guys are sporting pandemic beards they grew underneath their masks!)

Getting our first vaccine we were masked to the max.

In some ways, these last two years felt like time was in suspended motion. Now we can move again. Onward!

photo by Becky Holman




Book group met in person!





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