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Kona Historical Society

What’s Up at Hualalai?

Many people have asked me what Hualalai Four Seasons is like right now. Here’s my short answer: it’s pretty much shut down. The hotel is completely fenced off. The Spa and gyms closed early on. Then the retail stores.

No restaurants are open, of course. Ke’olu is providing an excellent take out menu that keeps evolving to include more items. You order and then pick up, mindful of social distancing, or your order can be delivered. You can now buy breakfast and lunch at The Trading Company, which remains open with limited staff and short hours.

Only 10 people at a time can be in the store at one time.

Ke’olu also provides a grocery shopping service for limited items. And many of us have learned how to use InstaCart and Shipt.

Canoe Club is closed down.


The golf courses seem to alternate on being open or closed. (Sorry, I don’t keep up with the schedule.) People use the course to walk. A few days ago a family was riding bikes and teaching one of the kids how to ride a bike on the 15th.

People are still allowed to exercise, keeping the six feet-a-part social distancing rule.  We’re very fortunate that we can be outside for part of the day. And that the beauty surrounding us never falters.


Personally, I’m turning gray and hoarding my Tates gluten-free cookies. Hope all of you are doing well!

Aloha nui loa, Cindy



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