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Kona Historical Society

Monday Night Reception Canceled

A note from Debbie Casey

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Dear Hualalai Club Member,

As we continue to monitor the ongoing conditions, the health and safety of our members, guests and employees continue to be our top priority as we monitor the global, national and state response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation.   We continue our heightened precautions in food handling, sanitization, disinfection and cleaning measures.

Currently, we have discontinued serving buffets in all of the Resort and Club venues.  Ala carte options will be provided for the time being.  This will impact ULU breakfast, Luaus, Aloha Fridays and Farmers’ Market.  We will be revising offerings and planning for additional options available to our Members.

Out of an abundance of caution, we are also reviewing many of our operating guidelines.   We will provide additional updates in the coming days as we determine next steps and possible need to limit certain activities and gatherings.

As a first step, we have determined it is best to limit larger gatherings.  Therefore, the Monday Night Member Receptions will be canceled until further notice.  While we all look forward to these evenings where we come together as one ohana, we have made this decision with the health and safety of all our Members, guests and staff in mind.

Our entire team is grateful for your patience and understanding as we all work together to ensure that Hualalai remains the safest haven possible in these uncertain times.  Please watch for additional detailed updates tomorrow.




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